Welcome to my new page, I honestly don’t even know where to begin I am so utterly ecstatic. This journey started for me in August 2017 when I thought I should pick up a camera again. I started out with my very handsome cousin who I said “Hey can I practice some Senior Pictures on you?”
This has been no walk in the park learning this business. From cameras, lens, editing, to building a website, it was all self taught. Has it been easy…. Heck NO!! I have had my ups and downs and my doubts about if I could even do this. I thought to myself I NEED to do this. So I jumped in with both feet taking it on 100%.
Jump to 6 Months later I now have 3 Wedding booked, have done multiple sessions, and going to Vegas for my first vendor show in February. I’m guessing I will be blown away by all of the different techniques and styles that is out there, but I am so excited for this experience.
I hope you enjoy the site & feel free to email or message me with any questions. Thank you for visiting and I look forward to working with you in the near future.